Get started
The wiki is a special system report provided by QFQ and is located in the extension directory typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Private/Report. Setup a report to get started using the wiki:
Create a Typo3 page.
Insert a content record of type qfq.
In the bodytext insert the following code (see explanation of code: Report As File):
The root page of the wiki can now be added in the frontend by a logged in Typo3 backend user.
Form: wikiPage
Provides options for editing the settings of the wiki page and consists of two pills, General and Access.
Name: Name of the wiki page
Page slug: Page slug of the wiki page (readonly)
Parent page: Parent page of the wiki page
Access (can only be accessed by the author of the wiki page and a logged in Typo3 backend user):
Read-only user: Comma separated string of usernames ({{feUser:T}})
Read-only group: Checkboxes of available groups ({{dbNameT3:Y}}.fe_groups)
Read-write user: Comma separated string of usernames ({{feUser:T}})
Read-write group: Checkboxes of available groups ({{dbNameT3:Y}}.fe_groups)
Public: Radio to set public access (read-only, read-write, off). Default read-only.
Page Lock: Checkbox to set page lock. Can only be removed by the user who set it.
Do not use spaces in between usernames.
Any user without a page login (no {{feUser:T}}) is considered public.
When a new wiki page is added using the Add new page option from the dropdown, the form automatically copies the settings of the parent page it was created from. It is still possible to select a different parent page.
A wiki page can only be deleted if it has no subpages. When a wiki page is deleted, all its previous versions are also deleted.
Form: wikiEditor
Once a wiki page has been created, content can be added/edited. In general, there are two ways to edit a page.
The Edit button at the top of the page allows you to edit the entire content.
The edit buttons next to the headings allow you to edit each section separately.
For example, if you click on a <h2>, every subsequent <h3>, <h4>, etc. up to the next <h2> or <h1> will be copied into the editor. It is important to note that this functionality can only be guaranteed if the headings are not nested within other elements.
The are macros that can be used within the editor:
{{toc}}: Creates a table of contents with links to the headings on the current page. If no headings are found, {{toc}} is returned.
{{childPages}}: Generates a list of links to the child pages of the current page. If no child pages are found, {{childPages}} is returned.
{{<wikiPage>#<Heading>}}: Creates a link to a wiki page within the same wiki by replacing <wikiPage> with the name of the wiki page and <Heading> with the title of the paragraph. If the wiki page is not found, {{<wikiPage>#<Heading>}} is returned.
{{<pageSlug>/<wikiPage>#<Heading>}}: Creates a link to a wiki page in another wiki by replacing <pageSlug> with the page slug of the wiki, <wikiPage> with the name of the wiki page and <Heading> with the title of the paragraph. If the wiki page is not found, {{<pageSlug>/<wikiPage>#<Heading>}} is returned.
{{collapse([Text is shown])}} Text is hidden. {{collapse}} Creates a toggleable element, that will show/hide text. Text within [ ] is optional.
{{toc}}, {{childPages}}, {{collapse([Text is shown])}}, {{collapse}} must be used on a separate line or with their own <p> tag to ensure their functionality.
Using links (`{{<wikiPage>#<Heading>}} and {{<pageSlug>/<wikiPage>#<Heading>}}) Heading is used as the link text. This means that # must be used, but the heading can theoretically be omitted. In this case the full link will be displayed.
It is possible to upload images to the editor with “drag and drop” or the upload feature. Images are stored under fileadmin/wiki/<pageSlug>/img.
The option History in the dropdown menu provides a list of changes made to the wiki page. If the author is anonymous, this means that the changes were made by a public user without a {{feUser:T}} account.
The option Print in the dropdown menu creates a PDF of the wiki page.